Comprehensive Guide To Dissertation Primary Research

No matter the status of the student, even those at the postgraduate level, getting it straight with the process of primary research in the dissertation produces is a daunting task. What is involved is huge, to say the least; we are going to break it down into sections to be able to have a full grasp of what it entails to make a success out of the exercise.

Section 1-Source Of Data

This is the starting point and you are expected to get data from any of the following: Primary, Secondary, and Big data sources. You are expected to choose any particular approach and stick with it. We are going to pick on primary data collection for this blog.

Section Two –Decision On Primary Research Methodology

You are now expected to decide on the primary research methodology. There are three options available; it is left for you to decide on one of such and stick with the same. The methodologies are qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies. Let us also assume here that you have chosen a qualitative methodology as we move to the 3rd section.

Section Three –Strengths And Limitations 

One of the strengths of this approach is the fact that you can go full throttle. There is a wide radius of gyration to explore the topic of your choice. On the part of the weakness, you cannot generalize your results.

Section Four- Be Specific In Your Choice Of Quantitative Method

There are several methods available and you have to be specific on the choice of your method which must be in line with your research question. You can choose from any of : observations, interviews, focus groups, or case studies.

Section Five- Your Participants

You have to consult your research question before deciding on your participants. When you are dealing with observations, interviews, or focus groups; your participants will be a group of people. When undertaking a case study; what you needed is a single person or an organization.

Section Six- Your Measures

Choosing a qualitative research method involves the use of measures. These measures are simpler than what is obtained in quantitative studies. Before you precede with your observation checklist or interview questions; it is advised that you clear it with your supervisor.

Section Seven- Select Analyses

Do not ever rely on complex statistics when you are analyzing your results. This analysis relies on coding and finding themes in your data. Thematic analysis is the most popularly used among the options for analysis here.

Section Eight- Understanding Your Procedure

When you have gotten your participants, the next step is to devote time to perfectly understand them. Your observations and interviews should be recorded and transcribed appropriately. At this stage, you are now ready to write your final results.

The Quantitative And Mixed Methodologies

If you want to go by any of the two approaches mentioned above; sections 1 and 2 will apply. The other sections will apply differently; the processes are simple and pretty easy to follow.

Final Take 

The guide above is a summary of the main steps that can be adopted towards ensuring that the best results that call for cheer are achieved at the end of any undergraduate or postgraduate dissertation.

Simple Ideas

